wordsmith & picturesmith, Telly Award winning producer

Don't try to tell 100% of what you know to your audience; it's too ambitious.
If you get your viewer curious enough to want to learn more, that's a huge success.
I value the thoughtfulness that goes into the process before, during and after any piece of content is created, the craftsmanship that seeks to maximize the connection with audiences.
I cherish the relationships built and partnership forged to get messages across, allowing the viewer to think, relate, wonder, dream, emote, cry, laugh, and so much more.
I never cease to stop exploring new ways to tell stories. From the early days of just snapping anybody-can-take photos to later well thought out and planned tinkering, coding, sketching until things look good enough. Sometimes luck gets a photo onto The New York Times; sometimes tenacious hard work gets to the same place. I enjoyed the latter more.

I love finding gems in the story ocean and producing compelling content to win hearts and awards